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Management and Maintenance of Marine Lashing Equipment

Management of Marine Lashing Equipment

Onboard, it is essential to ensure that the quantity of marine lashing equipment meets the requirements of the scheduled voyage. According to the ship's cargo securing manual, there is a specified standard quantity of marine lashing equipment needed when the ship is fully loaded with containers. This quantity is often greater than the number of existing locks on the vessel because during operation, a container ship can never achieve a loading capacity that matches the designed container capacity (measured in TEUs). Many factors constrain this, such as berth reservation volume, the number of TEUs and FEUs, market peak and off-peak seasons, the weight of individual containers, and so on.

Damage Prevention Measures for Marine Lashing Equipment

To ensure sufficient marine lashing equipment, it is necessary to regularly inventory and timely replenish the equipment.

  • Search the ship's shore operation area (including but not limited to the pier, shore cranes) before departure to check for any locks that may have been left behind by workers;

  • The placement of lock boxes after unloading should always be within the sight of duty personnel to prevent theft;

  • Ensure that every small box within the lock box is accounted for and belongs to the ship before the lock box is brought onboard, to prevent misloading or missed loading;

  • Supervise shore workers to ensure that they remove locks from unloaded containers and place them into the lock box, to prevent omissions;

  • Continuously patrol the deck work area, and promptly request the dock to acknowledge any form of damage caused by the dock;

  • Supervise the onboard lashing workers to prevent them from deliberately discarding marine lashing equipment.

Daily Maintenance of Marine Lashing Equipment

Regular Inspection

Inspect marine lashing equipment such as wire ropes, chains, winches, and hooks daily or before each use to check for wear, breakage, or rust. Replace or repair any issues promptly to avoid malfunctions at sea.

Rust Prevention

Marine lashing equipment is prone to rust due to prolonged exposure to seawater and air. Conduct regular rust prevention treatments, apply rust-proof oil or other protective coatings, and clean and dry the surface after use.

Lubrication Maintenance

Regularly lubricate winches, chains, and other moving parts to ensure smooth operation and reduce friction and wear.

Proper Storage

After use, store marine lashing equipment in a dry, well-ventilated place, avoiding long-term exposure to moist environments, to prevent dampness or corrosion of the equipment.

No.7 LingTong RD, LingShan Town, Jimo, Qingdao, China